Leche League is a Mother-to-Mother Group for support. Parent-to-parent means that the Leader
facilitates the discussion and the parents share information and voice concerns
together so that each meeting has a unique flavor thanks to those who join
in. The LLL comprehensive guidebook, The
Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 8th edition is where much of the
information discussed in meetings comes from.
(You can borrow a copy at some meetings or even buy one for yourself
here on our blog. *see right sidebar on your computer*)
Our general theme for JUNE is adjusting to life with a new
baby. Finding your NEW NORMAL.
keep in mind that school is out for the summer so if you have children of other
ages, please plan accordingly with quiet toys or books. If you bring snacks, please ask the LLL
Leader what the policy is at that location for food and remember not to share
with little ones without checking with parents. Meetings are always flexible so come and go as
you need. Thanks!
JUNE 5, 2015
La Leche League of
Charleston/Mt. Pleasant meets on the FIRST Friday of each month at 10:15 AM
at St. Andrew's Church at 440 Whilden Street, Mt. Pleasant.
Beth 843.469.4404
JUNE 9, 2015
La Leche League of
Charleston/Mt. Pleasant - North meets on the SECOND Tuesday of the month at
9:30 AM in Room #3 & #2 (on the ground floor near the cafe)
at Mount Pleasant Hospital, 3500 North Highway 17, Mount
Pleasant SC.
MOMS & DADS welcome (parents-to-be as well!)
JUNE 16, 2015
LLL of Summerville
meets on the third Tuesday of the month at
7:00 PM
at the Summerville
Church of Christ, 413 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville.
Kimberly 843.814.1322
JUNE 17, 2015
5 PM – 8 PM AT Isle of Palms County Park Beach
Meet to the left of the stairs.
BYO dinner, drinks. J
Fun for the whole FAMILY!
(see our event in our FB group for more details or call any
LLL Leader)
JUNE 19, 2015
La Leche League of
Charleston/West Ashley meets on the THIRD Friday of the month at 10:15 AM
at the John Wesley United Methodist Church, 626 Savannah
Highway (US17), Charleston/West Ashley.
JUNE 23, 2015
4th Tuesday Play-date/Meet-up
9:30 am to 11:15 am
Mt Pleasant Recreation Department Playground
Park West Blvd.
Pleasant, SC 29466
NOTE THE NEW TIME AND LOCATION FOR THIS PLAY DATE IN JUNE AND JULYCome join us for a play date at the park. Bring your babies, older children, and friends; partners and support people are welcome! Meet other breastfeeding families, talk to leaders, and enjoy some time outdoors. We will meet at the smaller, fenced-in playground at J. Marshall Stith Park on Sullivans Island. As with our meetings, feel free to come late or leave early as needed. Can't wait to see you there! Kat Swisshelm Martin - 843-870-4618
JUNE 23, 2015
Goose Creek -North Charleston
5:30 PM
Otranto Road Regional Library
2261 Otranto Road, North Charleston, SC
Marlea 901.210.7541
***FYI there is a PARENT to PARENT FB Group
as well for moms, dads and other support people. This is a diverse and
inclusive group for breastfeeding and lactation.***