La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Saturday, June 27, 2015

July 2015 Gatherings and Fun

JULY 3 Mt Pleasant meeting CANCELED 
Please call or email a Leader if you need support. 
Monica Pelletier 843.810.8552,
Have a happy and safe 4th of July! 

SATURDAY July 11, 2015
Main Library Charleston
68 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401
12:30 - 2:30 PM Meeting Room A
Beth 843.469.4404

Scotty 864.415.3678

July 14, 2015
La Leche League of Charleston/Mt. Pleasant - North meets on the SECOND Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM in Room #3 & #2 (on the ground floor near the cafe)
at Mount Pleasant Hospital, 3500 North Highway 17, Mount Pleasant SC.

MOMS & DADS welcome (parents-to-be as well!)
Kat 843.870.4618 or
Monica Pelletier 843.810.8552,

July 17, 2015
La Leche League of Charleston/West Ashley meets on the THIRD Friday of the month at 10:15 AM at the John Wesley United Methodist Church, 626 Savannah
Highway (US17), Charleston/West Ashley.

Scotty 864.415.3678
Beth 843.469.4404

July 21, 2015
LLL of Summerville meets on the third Tuesday of the month at
7:00 PM
 at the Summerville Church of Christ, 413 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville.
Kimberly 843.814.1322
Join here!

JULY 24, 2015 
5 PM – 7 PM AT We'll be at 25th Avenue this time so we can stay later if we'd like. Meet on the beach. We'll plan to be to the left of the entrance. Isle of Palms County Park BeachMeet to the left of the stairs. BYO dinner, drinks.  Fun for the whole FAMILY! (see our event in our FB group for more details or call any LLL Leader & check weather before heading out)

JULY 28 
La Leche League Playgroup 
9:45 to 10:45 AM 
Come join us for a play date at the park. Bring your babies, older children, and friends; partners and support people are welcome! Meet other breastfeeding families, talk to leaders, and enjoy some time outdoors. We will meet at the smaller, fenced-in playground at J. Marshall Stith Park on Sullivans Island. As with our meetings, feel free to come late or leave early as needed. Can't wait to see you there! 
Kat Martin - 843-870-4618

July 28, 2015
Goose Creek -North Charleston
5:30 PM
Otranto Road Regional Library
2261 Otranto Road, North Charleston, SC
Marlea 901.210.7541

Hillary 843.847.1482

At Group meetings La Leche League Leaders and other mothers share experiences, give suggestions and offer support and encouragement. LLL meetings are ideal for learning from and making friends with other mothers. These meetings provide time for mother-to-mother sharing in a friendly and accepting atmosphere. The informal meetings are attended by expectant, new and experienced mothers and their babies. Most Groups rotate through a series of breastfeeding topics, however every meeting is different and the questions of the attendees are always given top priority.

**Please keep in mind that school is out for the summer so if you have children of other ages, please plan accordingly with quiet toys or books.  If you bring snacks, please ask the LLL Leader what the policy is at that location for food and remember not to share with little ones without checking with parents.  Meetings are always flexible so come and go as you need.