La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders


Did you know that La Leche League meetings are always free and you never have to be a member to attend meetings?
If you have found LLL of Charleston helpful to you and would like to buy a membership which will benefit your local group and LLLI as well please read on...

The best way is to join through a local Group, so that funds will be available in YOUR vicinity to help mothers and babies.

La Leche League of Charleston, SC is currently promoting a $40 Regular Membership
Membership includes a 10% discount in the LLLI Online Store
New members purchasing membership will receive access to the New Beginnings eMagazine.

To join, you may speak to a local leader at a meeting, call or email a leader, or click the "Buy Now" button below.

Although the link is to the PayPal website, Paypal membership is not required. To pay using a debit/credit card, click the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button below the "Log In" button.


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