La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working with Employers - some links for you!

Planning on going back into the workforce soon?
A great book to check out is Nursing Mother, Working Mother by Gale Pryor.

Here are some great websites for moms returning to work & looking for more information for their employers.
The Business Case For Breastfeeding: Steps For Creating A Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite

To order copies or print the pdf

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action – Women and Work

Cornell University Model

Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles, CA

South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition

South Carolina Breastfeeding Action Committee

And here is a great article with tips on the Politics of Pumping

Feel free to pass these along to your friends!

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