La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Sunday, July 31, 2011


On Saturday August 6th 2011 at 10:30am local time in locations across the USA, nursing mothers will gather to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and try to break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously!

We will be meeting at 10 a.m. at the Richard L. Jones Center on 391 Egypt Road in Mount Pleasant!!

Even if you are no longer a nursing mom please feel free to join us or spread the word. Ways you can help include: writing about it on your blog, sharing on your social network, putting up flyers at venues you know moms will be near, coming to help as a witness or helper next Saturday.
Thanks so much!

See you then!

:) The Leaders of La Leche League of Charleston, SC

Brittan, Elizabeth, Kimberly, Mandy, Marlo, & Naomi

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