La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Friday, March 28, 2014

April 2014 - Regular Meetings, Saturday Gathering and More!

La Leche League of Charleston, South Carolina

At Group meetings La Leche League Leaders and other mothers share experiences, give suggestions and offer support and encouragement. LLL meetings are ideal for learning from and making friends with other mothers. We rotate themes and no two meetings are alike.   Every meeting focuses on mom's questions and concerns. Our theme for April is NUTRITION and WEANING…Pregnant women enjoy this topic so they can optimize their baby's health. Mothers learn how to start solids for their babies. Nutritious options for family meals are shared. Meetings are always FREE and children are always welcome.  

Watch for updates and info by liking La Leche League in South Carolina on Facebook 

La Leche League of Charleston, SC  
FIRST FRIDAY – Mount Pleasant Old Village
April 4, 2014; 10:15 am to 11:30 am
St. Andrew’s Church 440 Whilden Street on the corner of Venning
(First room downstairs)
Contact: Beth 843.469.4404 or Kimberly 843.814.1322

La Leche League of Charleston, SC 
SECOND TUESDAY – Northern Mount Pleasant
April 8, 2014;  9:30 am – 11:15 am
Roper St. Francis Mount Pleasant Hospital, 3500 North Hwy 17
(meets in classroom #3 in office side)
Contact: Naomi or Beth 843.469.4404

La Leche League of Charleston, SC 
April 12, 2014; 9:30 am – 11 am
Contact: Beth 843.469.4404 or Scotty 864.415.3678
This event will be posted on our FB group.  
If you don't have Facebook, please call Beth or Scotty for more information. 
(looking ahead dates will be June 14, August 9)

La Leche League of Summerville, SC
Third Tuesday Evening  
April 15, 2014; 7 pm 
Mallory: or
April 843.754.9511
See the event on at the Summerville LLL FB group

La Leche League of Charleston, SC 
THIRD FRIDAY – West Ashley
April 18, 2014;  10:15 am to 11:30 am
John Wesley United Methodist Church, 626 Savannah Hwy
(meets in room next to the gymnasium)
Contact: Kimberly 843.814.1322 or 

La Leche League of Goose Creek, SC
FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING – Goose Creek/N. Charleston, SC
April 22. 2014;  5:30 pm – 6:45 pm
Otranto Road Regional Library
2261 Otranto Road, North Charleston, SC
Contact: Marlea 901.210.7541 or Hillary 843.847.1482

Quarterly Coalition Meeting 
April 23, 2014 
Tongue and Lip Tie, Importance of Aftercare
See their website for more information
See this event on Facebook here.
*Free for members, $10 for nonmembers of the SC Breastfeeding Coalition 

Also, if you are interested in more local discussion on tongue and lip tie, join here

August 2, 2014 for the 4th Annual Big Latch On Charleston!! 
More info soon…

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