La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Fun 2014!!


La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. All women interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend the monthly Group Meetings or call a Leader for breastfeeding help.

You can find Leader information here for South Carolina

In Charleston, SC we have several options for IN PERSON support.  We love seeing you in person, we love that you can share your stories and also give support to other moms as well! 

Leaders are all accredited by La Leche League International and La Leche League USA.  
You can find out more about what LLL Leaders do here

We have multiple events in March and are excited to share them on our blog as well as in our LLL of Charleston Facebook group

~ Please consider making a donation to LLL of Charleston, SC or becoming a member through your LOCAL group.  We appreciate the support!  It means we can help off set the cost of supplies that we then pass back to moms at meetings!  Consider the cost you'd pay for an IBCLC and the support you receive for FREE from the Leaders here in Charleston.  Thank you! (please see sidebar link to the right) ~

FIRST FRIDAY – Mount Pleasant (Old Village)
March 7, 2014, 10:15 am to 11:30 am
St. Andrew’s Church 440 Whilden Street on the corner of Venning
(First room downstairs - there is an elevator on the left side or stairs on the right)
Contact Beth 843.469.4404 or Monica 

SECOND TUESDAY – Northern Mount Pleasant
March 11, 2014, 9:30 am – 11:15 am
Roper St. Francis Mount Pleasant Hospital, 3500 North Hwy 17
(meets in classroom #3 in office side of the complex)
Contact Monica 843.810.8552 or Naomi 

THIRD TUESDAY – Summerville EVENING meeting
March 18, 2014  - 7:00 pm
Summerville Church of Christ, 413 Trolley Road
(1st brick house on left of parking lot)
Mallory: or
April 843.754.9511

THIRD FRIDAY – West Ashley
March 21, 2014 10:15 am to 11:30 am
John Wesley United Methodist Church, 626 Savannah Hwy
(meets in room next to the gymnasium just past the front office)
Contact Carissa or Beth 843.469.4404

Welcome the newest edition of meetings to the Charleston area!! 

FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING – Goose Creek/N. Charleston, SC
March 25, 2014 – 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm
2261 Otranto Road, North Charleston, SC
Contact Marlea 901.210.7541 or Hillary 843.847.1482

** And watch for upcoming Saturday events that will be posted on our FB group!**
Beth and Scotty have been volunteering some of their weekends for more LLL casual morning gatherings.  The February cafe event had a nice turn out!
Save these dates… April 12 and June 14. 

Our Mission is to help mothers throughout South Carolina to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

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