La Leche League Leaders

La Leche League Leaders
La Leche League Leaders

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Live, Love, Latch, Lowcountry donation/sponsor request

Live, Love, Latch, Lowcountry!!

Do you have a favorite family-friendly / breastfeeding-friendly business or restaurant in the Charleston, North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Summerville or Goose Creek areas? La Leche League of Charleston, SC is requesting donations for gift bags and door prizes for our Live, Love, Latch, Lowcountry being held August 2, 2014!

We accept ANY form of donation including an item for door prizes, coupons/samples/brochures to put in our gift bags, or a monetary contribution to fund our event as long as the business is 100% WHO Code Friendly.

All donations are tax deductible and donation receipts will be available. Donations received for the event will be advertised on Facebook, our La Leche League in Charleston blog and at the event.

We are offering tables again to IBCLCs or local businesses who are WHO Code complaint.  We will be charging a small fee around $50 a table and asking for a gift worth around $25 or more for a raffle. 

The event will be in Charleston at the Main Library 10 am to 12pm on the first Saturday in August. If anyone is interested in a table or in attending, please email any LLL Leader in Charleston or Goose Creek.

You can find our info here

Please join us and share widely. :) 

Thanks for your suggestions and spreading the word!

The Leaders of La Leche League of Charleston, SC & La Leche League of Goose Creek, SC 

Beth, Brittan, Carissa, Hillary, Kimberly, Mandy, Marlea, Monica, Naomi & Scotty

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